Terminal Service Plus Web Portal allows users to connect to their remote servers from any web browser simply by using their Windows credentials.
Sometimes however, you want to connect automatically when you launch a given URL address. This feature is called Web Autologon.
With Web Autologon, you will connect using the settings (login, password, ports, ...) specified in specific Terminal Service Plus files.
You will be able to connect directly by browsing to http://your-server/software/html5.html
You can modify the connection settings by editing the following file with Notepad or any text editor (such as Notepad++ - do not use MS Word):
C:\Program Files (x86)\TSplus\Clients\www\software\html5\settings.js
You will need to specify at least a login and a password in order to benefit from Web Autologon.
You might need to refresh the page on your web browser after modifying this file.
You will be able to connect directly by browsing to http://your-server/software/remoteapp2.html
You can modify the connection settings by editing the following file with Notepad or any text editor (such as Notepad++ - do not use MS Word):
C:\Program Files (x86)\TSplus\Clients\www\software\remoteapp2.js
You will need to specify at least a login and a password in order to benefit from Web Autologon.
You might need to refresh the page on your web browser after modifying this file.
If you want to enable multiple user sessions using the same credentials, then you can follow this procedure.
You can copy the index.html file located in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\TSplus\Clients\www
as many times as your number of users. You can rename it and then access it with the url: http://nameofyourserver.com/renamedindex.html
Edit the paragraph corresponding to users credentials:
Access Configuration --------------- var user = ""; // Login to use when connecting to the remote server (leave "" to use the login typed in this page) var pass = ""; // Password to use when connecting to the remote server (leave "" to use the password typed in this page) var domain = "";
You can copy the index.html file as much time as you want, renaming it with the username will make it easier for you to provide a personal link.